Info days “Horizon 2020” opened

In cooperation with the Ministry of Science, The European Union organizes the EU seminar Horizon 2020 from 8 to 9 November, the greatest EU program for research and innovations with almost 80 billion euros during eight years.


The seminar was open by the minister of science Sanja Damjanovic, who expressed her satisfaction because the Ministry of Science was the organizer of the meeting, that gathered numerous researchers, representatives of enterprises and NGOs. “Our results in the program are encouraging, and I will remind you that we had a positive echo in Brussels and on other addresses last year. When it comes to successfulness in the program Horizon 2020 your ideas are the most important. I want to point out the significance of the networking, connecting with the international community, and connection within our country” said Damjanovic. Workshop leaders are experienced project managers for EU projects: Elke Dall and Philipp Brugner from the Centre for social innovations in Vienna.

The two-day seminar will gather around 100 participants from various sectors because the H2020 program offers opportunities for projects to faculties, enterprises, state authorities, and civil society organizations. The program has three main columns: excellent science, leadership science in the economy, science for social challenges, while horizontal priorities are linked to spreading excellence in less developed areas.


Key topics participants will elaborate during two days will be:

  • Horizon 2020 – opportunities for the participation in Horizon 2020 calls for projects.
  • Package H2020 for widening countries (less developed countries).
  • Preparation and submitting the project proposal.
  • Successful projects from Montenegro.
  • Financial issues: How to budget the project.
  • Practical part: questions and answers of discussions on concrete project ideas, or concepts for projects of participants.

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