NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro and the portals of Mladi Nikšić and Mladi Berana organized a humanitarian action to help the Saric and Dibrani families on the occasion of International Youth Day.
Every year, youth organizations around the world celebrate this day in different ways.
This year, NGOs Mladiinfo Montenegro and the portals of Mladi Nikšić and Mladi Berana decided to combine humanity, action and journalism.
Young people had the opportunity to do research into the state of need and to make a journalistic text about a family in a state of social need. At the same time, the youth organized an action to raise assistance for the Saric family from Niksic and the Dibrani family from Berane.
The eight-member Saric family lives in a rented apartment, and they are beneficiaries of material income. As Rada raises six children, Marian does as much as his health allows, but still not enough to afford basic for his children. They can pay the flat from the material income.
Assistance has been collected since the beginning of August, and all people of goodwill could donate and leave it at the Ozone premises.
The Dibrani family is a thirteen-member family living in very difficult conditions in two rooms without electricity, and until recently they had problems with water supply.
Throughout the day, on August 12, assistance was provided in front of the Nikšić Department Store in the form of wardrobe, chemistry and food.
A large number of people approached the counter and were informed about the action, but also praised the youth engagement and organization of the action.
The people of Niksic believe that such activities of young people are extremely commendable because they believe that it is extremely important for young people to have awareness and desire to help.
On this occasion, a certain amount of wardrobe and other supplies were collected and there were those citizens who donated money.
One company also responded to this call and decided to donate complete school equipment for the Saric family early next month. The company wanted to remain anonymous.
A stand in Berane was set up at Mojsija Zecevic Street, at Prva Banka, between 9am and 7pm, and the citizens provided assistance in the form of food, chemistry, clothing and footwear for this family.
Older and younger citizens also came to the booth. Young people were attracted to the appearance of the booth and the opportunities for young people, they were taking flyers and inquiring about the portal and what opportunities younginfo had to offer, as well as the action of collecting help. Much to their delight, many citizens knew about our organization and said they were following the Young Beran portal.
“I follow your portal and I want to congratulate you on this charity event,” said Marko.
A large number of citizens came forward to congratulate them on the action and to support their further work. Senior citizens became more interested in humanitarian action and inquired about the family and their situation.
The citizens were happy to help the family.
“I’m glad to be able to help. I heard about your action and decided to donate something to the family. I hope there will be more events like this,” said Milena, who donated.
Goran Folic, Secretary for Sport, Culture, Youth and Cooperation with NGOs in Berane, visited the booth and supported the action.
Assistance to families will be provided next week so that all concerned have the opportunity to join their donations by contacting 068078424.
The goal of humanitarian action is to encourage young people that life is made up of small but valuable things that we can share together that make up one whole. The healthy society in which we live and whose burden of daily life we can share together was one of the reasons for the realization of this activity.
International Youth Day is an annual international event celebrated on August 12th. First marked in 2000, the day is intended to draw attention to the problems, cultural and legal issues of youth, students and students.