NGO „Ekvivalent“: Hotels unavailable for disabled persons

Disabled persons are deprived for using of hotel services in most towns in Montenegro, because there is no accessibility for them. That was a conclusion from a project, conducted by NGO “Ekvivalent”, named “Turizam za sve” on round table, which was held in hotel “Aurel” in Podgorica.

This programs aim is to contribute to the respect of human rights and equality of disabled persons.
Representatives stated their opinions on hotels that are located in their home city.
They agreed that is necessary to enhance accessibility not only in hotels, but also in private accommodations.
The participants received check list, which was made by NGO “Ekvivalent”, which contains all physical accessibilities like: hotels content, accessibility to the rooms, bathrooms, type of chair for bath, are there any staircases that leads to the restaurant and similar.

This project is conducted by NGO’s in coordination with Speleological Associations of Montenegro and GEO-EKO Montenegro and financial support was provided by Ministry of human and minority rights of Montenegro.


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