Of the 54 public administration bodies 29 of them published the work programs and reports on activities in the previous year were published 32 of the 54 bodies. In the reporting period, six of the 18 ministries posted a list of laws that will conduct a public hearing, according to a report on the participation of civil society in developing and implementing public policy.
The report “Civil society in creating and implementing public policy” contains the results of research conducted by the Center for Development of NGOs (CRNVO) conducted in order to assess the involvement of non-governmental organizations and the general public in the processes of policy development. The reporting period to which the data subject is the calendar year 2018.
What they showed findings for 2018 on the involvement of NGOs and the general public in the policy process, is;
• insufficient and uneven (at the level of) the use of regulation (regulation), which regulate these processes-it is still not applicable to the full extent all forms of public involvement, especially from consultation. Also, the practice of work at the level of the different, especially in terms of transparency of the process and most of the reporting on the public debate. Despite the fact that during 2018, with the adoption of the new Regulation prescribed forms for public calls and reports, precisely in order to ensure a uniform approach to the labor authority in these procedures, a significant number of authorities still do not issue public calls and reports on the prescribed forms.
• insufficient transparency of the state administration (almost half of the state administration body publishes work programs and reports on activities
• partial cooperation of the state administration with non-governmental organizations (NGOs involved in the work of the working bodies for drafting legislation or turn it does not record the trend growth)
• insufficient involvement of the public in the consultation process of public policy at the national level (public consultation was carried out only for 2/3 of the regulations that were adopted in 2018 by the state administration)
When it comes to publishing the work program and report on the work of the state administration, this obligations arising from Art. 15 of the Regulation on the procedure for exercising cooperation between state administration and NGOs. In the reporting period of validity of this Regulation (to 07/05/2018), of 29 of 54 authority has published work programs and reports on activities in the previous year were published 32 of the 54 bodies.
In accordance with Art. 2 of the Regulation on the procedure for exercising cooperation between state administration and NGOs, government bodies in drafting and adoption of the acts of the annual work program, provide a consultation with non-governmental organizations through meetings and written and electronic communication. According to available data, in the reporting period, representatives of NGOs took part in 18 working body for drafting various regulations. State administration bodies have the obligation to publish a final decision on the selection of NGO representatives, as well as the decision on establishment of the body from which it could be clearly concluded how many NGO representatives at the end took part in the working bodies. Only a number of organs to proactively done, and based on these data we can conclude that NGOs are involved in the work of 18 working groups.
In accordance with Art. Regulation on the procedure for cooperation between state authorities and NGOs, the authorities were obliged to publish on its internet site posts information on the designated contact persons for cooperation with NGOs. In the reporting period of validity of the Regulation (up to 07.05.2018), information on the contact person for cooperation with NGOs, published the 35 organs from 54 how many of them were included in this study.
Public consultation in the first stage of the law is the responsibility of the ministries (18 of them in the reporting period to 05.07, and 17 in the second reporting period). In the preparation of the draft laws, strategies and other documents, the ministries concerned public consulted 26 times, of which only four calls published on the portal of e-government. Reports Consultations are available for 17 of the 25 held consultations at this stage.
In the reporting period, 6 of the 18 ministries posted a list of laws that will conduct a public hearing. This is worrying because the law prevents non-publication of the list of interested citizens and civil society to good quality and timely preparations for the upcoming public hearings.
Organizing public hearings is the responsibility of the ministries (18 in the first and 17 in the second reporting period). Public debate on draft laws, strategies and other documents were held 98 times during the last year for which calls are 26 times published on e-government. Ministry publicly announced reports from 61 of these debates (98), of which only 3 of the e-government portal. The structure of the report is not in all cases in accordance with the form prescribed by the Regulation. Most often lack clear information on accepted and rejected proposals of participants in the public debate. In accordance with Art. 15 of the selection of NGO representatives in working bodies of the state administration and implementation of public debate in the preparation of the law stipulates that in case of conducting public hearings on the draft law, published and conducted analysis of regulatory impact assessment (RIA). In the reporting period, this obligation are met 4 out of 10 ministries are held hearings on draft laws.