group photo of the participants

Mladiinfo Montenegro on BY LEAP workshop

Representative of Mladiinfo Montenegro attended workshop on March 3, as part of project BY Leap Youth of the Balkan which  was organized by the Student Business center at University Donja Gorica.

Within the framework of the project, several thematic meetings and workshops are planned regarding the establishment of cooperation, networking and strengthening of existing relations with civil society organizations, then representatives of institutions, entrepreneurial associations, business incubators and other organizations that deal with the development of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial education and youth employment in Montenegro.

Key activities of the BY LEAP project and key actors of entrepreneurship development were presented at the workshop: CSOs, relevant institutions, teachers/professors, students, stratup centers and entrepreneurs. This was followed by the presentation of the workshop participants and getting to know each other about the activities that their organizations are implementing. Current strategies for the development of entrepreneurship and youth employment in Montenegro were presented, followed by a discussion on current challenges and problems, as well as new actions, initiatives and solutions. At the end, there was an exchange of ideas for adapting existing and creating new strategies.

group photo of the participants during the workshop