NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro will organize from 14th to the 21st of October 2018. youth exchange within the project under title” Moving ideas forward. Guidance to successful youth organisations.“ This training will be oganized in Sutomore (municipality Bar), Montenegro.
At this project cooperates many organizations, and it works about: NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro, European Youth Press Network of Young Media Markers EV Germany, Bué Fixe- Associação de Jovens Portugal, Babel International Association France, Manana Youth Educational Cultural Center NGO Armenia, Omladinska novinska asocijacija u Bosni i Hercegovini -Bosnia and Herzegovina, Scambei Europei Italy, NGO Center for informational support of public initiatives “The Third Sector” Belarus, NGO Media Sverige Sweden.
Member of organization EYP together with other umbrella organizations during longterm work identified three challenges that commonly occupy young people. Three most common are interconnected and they are main topic of this project.
The first is related with sustainable management, including organizational democracy, leadership,anti-discriminatory measures, providing an acess to members of national minorities and persons with disabilities. The second is related with fundraising and managing with mentioned financial resources. The third challenge is related with establishing of international contacts and cooperation.
Basic values and aims of youth exchanges are democracy,cooperation, participation in projects on strengthening of leadership and organizational development. Participants who passed this kind of training can improve work of their organizations as well as to inspire each other. Project consortium emphasize importance of exchange of skills and techniques of training young volunteers.
Progressive ideas are predicted to be main topic of this youth exchange, these ideas should be exchanged not only among young volunteers, but also among project managers and their assistants, not only from EU countries, but from other European countries. Participants are active and proven young people in area of media production and majority of them are journalists and producers.
Gathering of young people from different countries who will work in interest of other young people give additional value to this project. Participants with or without experience will be mixed and divided into groups. Youth exchange will be held in Sutomore, Montenegro and in it will participate 50 young people from 10 organizations from 10 different countries. Generally speaking the main task is improving of organizations. But the main aim is to strengthen organizations and to improve lives of young people with their assistance. In scope of training they will have the opportunity to express their own knowledges and skills, and to become multiplicatores and beside that to develop International network and cooperation.
Exchange of experiences and best practices will influence on achieving of already mentioned aims. Current knowledge and skills are base for youth exchange. By gathering young people with different experiences from different cultures through development of new methods we can improve and process topics of this exchange in the best way. Exchange of experiences of participants is fulfilled with knowledge of external experts. Results of the project will improve capacities of participants and production of material which will be used internally and externally.
Participants will be organized in groups of five people and they will process and discuss about concept of organization or about topic that occupies them mostly.
Tangible results of participants will be published on website. Results will be available to the young people in all European countries. Materials made by participants will be available to the partnership organizations in their work, as an example to similar, forthcoming trainings, like an inspiration, successful story and example to the other after exchange.