NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro is organizing a humanitarian action for Natalija Ljumović, January 30, 2021. in the Delta City shopping center, from 10am to 8pm.
Natalija is one year old and has no swallowing or sucking reflex, and she takes food exclusively on a tube through her nose, which she is already trying to remove in all possible ways, because it bothers her. Natalija is completely aphonic.
In order to improve her condition, adequate medications are needed, which are available in Macedonia, and without which it is not possible to contribute to the improvement of Natalija’s current condition.
Volunteers of the NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro will raise money for this girl on Saturday, January 30, in Delta City. Stands and donation boxes will be set up in front of Terranova, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Cakes, donuts and souvenirs will be sold… Drawing on the face and making braids for our youngest will also be organized, as well as other surprises.
We invite everyone interested to join us, and to contribute to the action by buying something from our stand or donating money.