
Held workshop on topic “ Youth and social entrepreneurship”

NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro held workshop about social entrepreneurship under title “Youth and social entrepreneurship” within the project Less Opportunities+Media Tools = Better Opportunities. Project is funded by Erasmus +programme while the training was held in M:tel digital factory on the 15th of September in 2018.

This workshop was attended by young people interested in area of entrepreneurship.
Elma Selmanović from NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro opened this training and after her to the audience refered Ana Šebek, from Ministry of Economy, Dragana Crvenica, Chief of communication department in Erste bank and Damir Šukurica,participant on LOMTBO project. Youth who attended workshop were informed about work of NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro,importance of social entrepreneurship as well as need for existing socially responsible companies in Montenegro. Young people who attended the project had an opportunity to be acquainted with basic things about entrepreneurship, ways of fundraising and they found out a lot about social entrepreneurship and socially responsible companies, marketing and ways how to register company.
Through conversation and discussion young people realized how much is important to observe world around them, because it is the best way for creating new ideas and commencing of businesses.
About Erasmus + and opportunities for young people spoke Damir Šukurica, one of the participants in LOMTBO programme. He represented LOMTBO project as well as Booklet.
About programme of support to the social entrepreneurs, about social impact award, spoke Dragana Crvenica, Chief of communication department in Erste bank. Through the conversation she emphasized importance of this kind of support, and she informed all young people about process of application and election of the best ideas. She also spoke about that what kind of support does Erste bank provide in relation of these initiatives.

“Two years ago we started with the project of Social Impact Award in Montenegro. This programme has for its aim to provide support for establishing new social businesses. This kind of business has the aim to settle needs of society. Simply business with soul”, said Crvenica.

After her Ana Šebek, from Ministry of Economy with participants shared specific advices for registration of companies, and she gave instructions to which institutions should we refer to. She also spoke about clasters and she expressed satisfaction, because young people are interested for this topic. She also said that right now its not favourable climate for beginning social business, but that should be changed thanks to young population and their developed consciousness about need for existing these kind of companies.

“Strategy of development of NGO which was brought by Ministry of Administrative Affairs and Strategy of development of small, microsmall and middle entrepreneurs treated social entrepreneurship as special category. In Montenegro there are 16 of NGO, that is something similar, but not the same what is social entrepreneurship ”, said Šebek.

That what is defined as strength and desire for social entrepreneurship is solving certain social, economic, healthy and educational problems inside community through joining profit and philanthropy.


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