Representatives of the NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro participated in the training of digital communication skills, which was held from 03-07.06.2024. in Almazora, Spain, within the Erasmus plus project “Digital Wocommunication”.
During the training, the participants learned about communication and marketing. A large part of the training was about digital communication for non-governmental organizations. The channels used for communication are covered, as well as the creation of a communication strategy. Participants made strategies in groups for selected topics. They determined the target groups, goals, communication channels, the main message and prepared the design as an example of how it would all look on social networks.
The training covered the topic of digital campaigns and marketing. Participants learned from examples what makes campaigns persuasive and how to attract users and clients. They also learned about different types of marketing, market needs analysis and different marketing strategies.
After the training in Spain, there will be a practice through which the participants will put into practice what they learned during the training, and in September a training will be organized in Montenegro.
The project aims to increase the employability of women aged 18 to 30 from rural areas by acquiring digital communication skills for work in non-governmental organizations.