The NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro marked March the 8th

The NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro traditionally marked the International Women’s Day, March 8, but this year in Niksic. Volunteers and members of the organization handed out beautiful messages and congratulatory chocolates to the ladies.

Every year we celebrate Women’s Day with a volunteer action. In previous years, we distributed roses to the women on the Square in the capital and visited the Safe Women’s House. This year, our volunteers wanted us to move the action to Niksic, so today from 1 pm to 2 pm we distributed over 250 nice messages and 100 chocolates with a greeting card. The ladies, from the youngest to the oldest, were pleasantly surprised and gladly accepted the gifts of our volunteers.

Some of the messages we shared with the ladies are:

“I want you to be smiling, brave every day, to endure every challenge that life brings. This is the day when you celebrate your powerful feminine energy, so start it and make your dreams come true. Happy March 8th! ”

“Happy March 8 to all women! Shine, not only today, but every day! ”

“A charming woman is her own and unique. You’re just like that! Let this day be your day! I wish you a happy March 8th! ”

“God created woman to make the universe more beautiful! Happy March the 8th.

“Roses need the sun and women need love”

“Women were not created to be understood, but to be loved”

“A beloved woman can never grow old”

“Women are always a source of inspiration for the family and the whole society. Happy Women’s Day ”

“Let every next day be better for you, let everything be according to your will, and when it rains, let the sun shine on you. Happy March 8th!”

“Don’t think you’re special because it’s Women’s Day, you’re special every day, happy March 8th”

“On this holiday, enjoy happiness, let love be your greatest companion, may everything be beautiful to you through the life and not only this, but every March 8.”

At the end of March, we will have a new activity in Niksic, and that is the 3 × 3 basketball tournament for which applications will be open soon.

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