I had the honor to present the NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro and Montenegro together with my colleagues Tatjana Zekić and Omar Lekić at the “Think twice” training, which was held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, from March 07-13, 2022.
It was a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to represent my country on this interesting project. In addition to representatives from Montenegro, representatives from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey participated in the project. Right from the first day and getting to know the other participants, the positive energy in the group dominated, which was present throughout the entire project. Of course, the first day was reserved for a break from traveling and a chance for us all to tell about the adventures we experienced to get to Plovdiv. The days would start with energizers and various teambuilding activities, and later there would be workshops and group work related to the topic of the project itself. The goal of the project was to increase the media literacy of young people, to develop the skills of critical thinking and recognition of false information in the digital information system. I must point out that the goal was fulfilled, and that the coaches from the organization Big brothers big sisters of Bulgaria, who were also great hosts, are the most responsible for this. The nights at the hotel were very interesting. We had a movie night where we watched a movie together that was related to the topic of the project, and of particular importance were the intercultural nights where all the participants represented their country. Of course, when it was our turn to present Montenegro, everyone was delighted with its beauty. Usually these intercultural evenings would turn into mini-parties. We also had an official farewell party which was great, but there was a sense of sadness that it all ended so quickly.
In addition to training, one day was set aside for a tour of Plovdiv. It is a very beautiful city with a rich history. Namely, Plovdiv is considered the oldest city in Europe that is still inhabited.
In my opinion, what made this project complete and successful are wonderful people I had the opportunity to meet, from all over the Balkans. I believe that the friendships made on this project will last for many years.
I use this opportunity to thank the NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro for the great opportunity and trust to represent them in an international project of this type. Also, I would like to invite all young people to participate in similar trainings because the experience is truly unforgettable.