Representatives of the NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro participated in a round table within the project “OVISOR – Only what you give is yours” held in Albania from 17th to 20th December in Tirana.
The roundtable, organized by NewVision and Bravo, brought together young people from Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg and Albania. The aim was to bring together young people from the Western Balkans to work together and exchange views to improve volunteering, thus laying a strong foundation for changing society. At the round table, young people from these countries exchanged their experiences but also learned some new skills and knowledge related to volunteering. The day began with an introductory speech by the organizers, followed by groups in which young people exchanged their ideas. It was a joint work on the exchange of solidarity, cooperation and volunteering work of the EU through the cooperation of 10 CSOs from 10 different countries with the aim of raising public awareness and understanding of the importance of volunteering and solidarity issues to improve sustainable conditions for civic and democratic participation at EU level, including citizens of the Western Balkans. Hour by hour, deeper issues were discussed and quality solutions were discussed in order to overcome all obstacles. Participants also had the opportunity at the group level to think of ways to make life easier for people with some kind of disability. In addition, they devised ways to generally improve volunteering in all its spheres. The approach of the representatives themselves, their accessibility and their willingness to help are to be commended. Their speech motivated each person to work in groups. In addition to the topic itself, the training enabled the connection of people and the creation of international friendships between young people, thus creating a strong basis for future work on numerous changes within society.
Apart from work, there was also free time in which people visited Tirana and got acquainted with Albanian culture and their way of life.