m! M at the conference “Violence against women – application of the Istanbul Convention and resistance to retrograde processes”

The duty of every society, which perceives justice as its core virtue, is to resist the most fiercely against violence against women, said Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pažin.On the opening of the conference “Violence against women – the application of the Istanbul Convention and resistance to retrograde processes” in Podgorica, the criminal legislation of Montenegro is largely in line with the Convention. “Additional protection of the physical, psychological and social integrity of women is provided by the introduction of new criminal offenses. Significant punishments have been made in the criminal offense of domestic violence or family violence, in such a way that the sentence for the basic form of this criminal offense increased from one to two years, “said Pažin. He said that for the violation of the measure of protection against domestic violence determined by a court or other state authority, is sentenced to imprisonment of up to one year instead of the previous six months. In order to reduce the risk of recurrence of certain criminal offenses, he recalled the possibility that the perpetrators of the criminal offense of domestic violence or family life be pronounced the measure of prohibition of approaching the victim or leaving the apartment.

“According to the Convention, the punishability of new forms of criminal offenses is prescribed and the conclusion of a null and void marriage. Amendments to the Law on Free Legal Aid granted victims of domestic violence the right to free legal aid, in the same way as victims of trafficking in human beings, has been recognized, “said Pažin. He pointed out that in September last year, a new Protocol on Treatment, Prevention and protection against domestic violence, which envisages improved procedures and closer cooperation between state authorities and the civil sector in combating domestic violence and violence against women. “Regardless of what has been achieved, we must do more in this area.

The recommendations of the GREVIO last year’s report of the Committee on the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Montenegro give us very good guidelines in this direction, “Pažin said. However, violence can not be completely eradicated only by laws and penalties.” It is necessary the entire society and all of us as individuals, both publicly and privately, raise the voice against violence against women and send a clear message that Montenegro can not and will not be tolerated, “said Pažin.

He is convinced that this is the only way to be undivided the condemnation of violence against women becomes a firmly established moral norm in Montenegro. “Only then will we know with certainty that as a society we have achieved an enviable level of awareness of the true meaning of justice and equity,” Pažin said.Pažin is grateful to the organizers of the conference, as well as many others partners from the civil sector and the international community, for significant efforts that continuously invest in the achievement of this valuable social media :”Whether you provide support and protection to victims of violence, affirm female entrepreneurship or strengthen the civil and political rights of women, your work undoubtedly contributes to leaving future generations a safer, more just and richer Montenegro,” Pažin said.Grupa eksperata za borbu protiv Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO), as an independent body for monitoring the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Montenegro, noted that there has been progress, but that it still needs to improve the legal frameworks and work on better multisectoral protection of rights and prevention, creating an environment trust in the institutions and encouragement to apply the violence to women of all forms.

One of the important and visible movements in this direction was established the Operational Team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which in everyday work on cases enables quick action and efficient exchange of information, solving the most complex cases. The Convention on the Istanbul Convention is a partnership initiative of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Women’s Political Network, within the Gender Equality Program funded by the Delegation of the European Union, and implemented by UNDP.

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