On May 31, 2020, the NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro marked the World No Tobacco Day. As a youth organization, we have recognized the importance of celebrating this day, because it is very important to raise awareness among young people, and point out to them all the harms and consequences that cigarette consumption brings with it.
On the occasion of the World No Tobacco Day, our volunteers made posters and video clips, informative content, which we shared on our social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), in order to educate young people and the general population. It is very important to be aware of all the consequences of tobacco smoke, its impact on the person, the non-smoking society, and the environment in general.
Various studies have shown that cigarette smoke does not contain any useful components, but 4,000 harmful ones have been confirmed, 43 of which are carcinogenic. Experts believe that smoking is responsible for 85 to 90 percent of deaths from lung cancer, and the risk of getting the disease depends on the length of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked. Passive smokers are at higher risk of developing lung cancer. As many as seven million die every year due to tobacco use, and it is predicted that this number will grow to more than eight million by 2030. Tobacco smoke also causes the sudden death syndrome of a newborn.
It is of great importance to constantly point out all these mentioned risks, precisely because of young people who start consuming cigarettes very early, poison young lungs and expose themselves to possible early illness from various types of diseases.