The ASA Programme is part of ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL gGmbH – Service for Development Initiatives. Engagement Global is a non-profit organization commissioned by the German Federal Government and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Youth work
The project is within the scope of the programme elements of ASA or ASA Academia. In the global program format, a team of participants from Germany and a country in Africa, Asia, Latin America or Southeast Europe works together for three months (between April and June) on site in Germany or digitally from Germany and the respective partner country as well as three months (between July and December), on site in the respective partner country or digitally from Germany and the respective partner country.
The participants address a topic that is anchored in a developmental context and that is of current interest to institutions or, universities, in both countries. This teamwork allows participants to gain a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges presented by international partnership-based cooperation and to expand their skills to create global and sustainable development.
Participants will take part in three online seminars (during weekdays) and four three-hour additional tutorials between seminars within the first phase of the project (April – June). For both digital and analogue project implementation, participants must be able to attend seminars and additional tutorials either with a private laptop/pc and internet access and/or with a laptop/pc and Internet access provided by the partner institution in the respective partner country (digital project implementation) or partner institution in Germany (analogue project implementation).
Engagement Global’s ASA Programme will offer a grant of € 843,00 per month (=30 days) per participant from the partner country for the duration of the project phase in Germany. This grant is calculated based on a monthly spending allowance of € 350,005 as well as monthly allowances for accommodation (max. € 235,00) and meals (max. € 258,00)
– 21 – 35 years
– very good proficiency of English, minimum level: B2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, (CEFR)
– possibility and willingness to participate full-time in both project phases without restrictions (i.e. place of residence at the project location or willingness to relocate for the respective project phase)
– professional knowledge pertaining to the project’s activities and requirements
– sociability and motivation
– openness and readiness to learn, keen to acquire new skills, team player
– interest in global relations as well as political and/or social engagement
To apply, send your CV and motivation letter to the e-mail:
December 10, 2020