Ismail Šehić, the NGO BRAVO director, Milica Žugić, the NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro director and other partners in the Structured Learning for Awareness in Media Project (SLAM) participated in a ZOOM virtual meeting, on 16. June 2020. During the meeting, the participants spoke about activities and capacity development.
The project aims at educating young people on false media, news and information and at recognizing and fighting them. The project envisages two training courses. The first one should have been held in Sardinia, Italy, but due to corona virus crisis and unforeseen circumstances it was postponed.
At the meeting, the partners on the project agreed to organize the first training course in Sarajevo, from 24 to 31 August 2020, and the second one in Italy. The date on which the second training course should take place is still unknown, though it is planned for the second part of October, or beginning of November, depending on the schedule determined by the NGO Mine Vaganti.
After all, everyone is looking toward a great meeting of young people coming from different states.