A project “Increasing quality of activities targeting rural youth” was held in Prizren from 1st till 8th of October, 2019 and really successfully accomplished to get together young people from different countries to work on several issues.
This event is a youth exchange and represents the forth activity of total five events for the project. The project is co-funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus + program and implemented by the NGO “Youth Workers Alliance” Vranje. The youth exchange included participants from partner organizations from 6 countries.
Partners are youth organizations coming from North Macedonia – Next Generation, Montenegro -MladiInfo Montenegro, Kosovo – OAPA, Greece – International Center for Sustainable Development and Denmark – Draft Copenhagen.
The Youth Exchange had several aims. One aim was focused on the participants that participated on the local workshops and improved their knowledge gained on those workshops. As second it aimed to empower young people and to initiate active participation and leadership. The goal of the event was also to develop competencies for project making, community mapping and using media tools, fundraising and crowd funding tools for making their initiative possible. The participants focused on developing their capacities to implement activities leading to community change. This youth exchange gave opportunity to people with fewer opportunities to do mobility abroad and meet people from other countries.
There were a lot of creative activities, some were touching and deep, and some were fun and playful; It is worth to mention that the whole team was amazing, and participants had a very good time altogether.
There were also local activities in the amazing city of Prizren where participants had tasks like community mapping to accomplish, but also they had the chance to visit cultural heritage places like the Mosque, Catholic Church, Orthodox Church and the castle of Prizren.
The nights were reserved for intercultural evenings where the national teams presented their countries, cultures, traditions, food, and music. There was also a NGO fair night where they had the chance to present their sending organization and found a lot of similarities with some of the other NGO’s that were being represented that night.