The non-governmental organization Mladiinfo Montenegro (m!M) participated in the second action of afforestation of Trebjesa hill on October 18, 2020. This is another action from the project “Let’s afforest Trebjesa” organized by the NGO Paths of the Ancestors in partnership with the NGO Media team supported by the Ministry of Agriculture. 1000 spruce seedlings, 10 linden seedlings and one maple seedling were planted. In addition to planting new trees, the action was also marked by the gathering of young people, their socializing together and working to promote environmental awareness.
For this action, seedlings, tools, gloves and detergents for hands and disinfection were provided, as well as refreshment after the ecological action.
The action was also supported by the “Petrovic Njegos” foundation, as well as the Electric Power Industry of Montenegro and other non-governmental organizations.