NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro signed a contract with the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights on 27th November, 2019, in Podgorica for the realization of the project “Greater Tolerance = Less Discrimination”.
The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the multiculturalism of the minorities in Montenegro.
The expected results are reduced levels of hate speech in online media and increased levels of tolerance, understanding and cooperation among young people, regardless of the national, religious or any other affiliation.
The planned activities of the project are analysis of hate speech in online media – analysis of hate speech in online media will be carried out in the news portals, Portal Analitika, Cafe del Montenegro and Fosmedia, in the sections of society, economy and the local crime news. The analysis will last 30 days and will include texts and comments on them. Roundtable – Presentation of survey results and comments from minority representatives. Writing and publishing texts – 10 positive example texts on minority communities will be written and published on the portal and on the portal Anti-Discrimination Seminar – A three-day seminar designed for members of minority nations as well as members of the majority community on anti-discrimination, tolerance, understanding and cooperation.
This project will be implemented by NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro in cooperation with NGO CEDEM and will last for 7 months.
Long-term result is increased awareness of anti-discrimination and reduced hate speech in online media, measurable results will be analysis of hate speech in online media, increased public awareness of hate speech, as well as discrimination, 10 texts written about positive examples of representatives of minority peoples and marginalized group, a three-day seminar for young representatives of minority peoples, marginalized groups and the “majority population.”