m!M starts the realization of the project “Active and healthy”

NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro signed a contract with the Ministry of Sport and Youth on 29th October 2019, in Podgorica, for the implementation of the project “Active and Healthy.”

The project aims to raise awareness of about 2000 young people from the central and northern region of Montenegro about sports and healthy lifestyles, and will last for three months. It consists of two phases – promotion of the camp in the northern and central region and the realization of the camp in Kolasin from 19th to 23rd January. The target group of the project are young people from 15 to 30 years from the northern and central region, and through the project we will involve directly 20 young people and indirectly over 2000 young people. These will be high school and college students as well as unemployed young people who have never played any sports or amateur sports, and have the will and desire to learn more about healthy eating and sports. Also, we will do our best to include young people who practice unhealthy lifestyles, are obese or drink or smoke.

The overall objective of the project is to promote sports in young people and encourage them to engage in sports activities. The specific objective of the project is to raise awareness of about 2000 young people from the central and northern region of Montenegro about sports and healthy lifestyles. We will achieve this goal by promoting the need to increase young people’s knowledge of healthy lifestyles, as well as by implementing a camp where 20 young people will have the opportunity to learn about what healthy lifestyles are, healthy eating, the importance of sports and what sport is for whom , but they will also have the opportunity to practice physical activity and practice various sports – fitness, swimming, yoga, basketball, zumba, football, volleyball, with help from athletes, coaches and instructors.

Indirectly, the project will involve about 2000 young people from all over Montenegro, who were reached through promotion for the camp, invitations, flyers, posters, through promotion on the website and social networks.

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