Damir Šukurica as a representative of NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro participated on seminar about media, media tools and writing of youth exchange projects . Seminar under title Less opportunities + media tools = Better Oportunities was held in Paralia in Greece and lasted from 25th of June to 2nd of July in 2018.
Training in Greece, Paralia about possibilities which media, media tools and internet overall provide us is my incentive in further improving of myself in all areas of my life.The way how to improve organization in its further work and usage of media and internet in that purpose is of key importance. By mediation of NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro and foundation Erasmus+ and great contribution of Zorica Todorovska and Gjoko Grdanovski project Less opportunities + media tools = Better Oportunities was successfully realized. How to use computer in right way, how to prepare presentation, how to use program for writing, editing the picture or video records were part of all workshops during the lasting of project. Teams from Serbia, Montenegro, Poland, Macedonia, Albania and Greece after nine days of education succeeded to make their own project about their own NGO that could improve certain part of human life. Trainings were not simple at all, especially having in mind morning, afternoon and night sessions during which we could find out everything about NGO, how to form it, finance it, how many members should have it… Of course of key importance is knowledge of English which can help you to understand on better way partners and to eliminate cultural differences. Idea of organizator to set you up in the same room with person who does not speak your mother language is great idea and it represent great opportunity for meeting different people with whom you can cooperate in long term. Organizators also organized one day excursion in order to provide us meeting with landmarks of the town. At the end, organizators of training wanted to see what did we have learn, so we had task to form our own NGO. Such projects had to have detailed plan, from how to establish it, work in it, to the financial plan etc. After two days of creating the project we were presenting our works, and there were some serious works that could be easily and successfully implemented. These kind of trainings are great opportunity for individual to learn to work in team, to communicate better in English, to improve his/her knowledge in area of media, media tools and to realize the benefits of internet commercials. Introducing people of different profiles, tendencies toward different areas of lives, especially those one who have just started higher education or he/she did not started at all, can help them to realize in which area will be their focus and in which area they can give contribution. However, this kind of project should be held in different areas of Balkan peninsula, what organizators provided, and I hope that it will be practice in forthcoming period, when it works about this kind of projects. Travelling, work on project,meeting new people on different places is something which I would gladly like to repeat.