m!M visited the Tehnopolis Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center

The NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro, within the project “Through business to equality” visited the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis, on October 23, 2020, in Niksic. The project is funded by the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights.

Future entrepreneurs who are part of the project “Through business to equality” visited the Center.

At the very introduction, the entrepreneurs were introduced to the work of Tehnopolis, activities, but also the goals on which the establishment of Tehnopolis is based.

The goals are: contribution to the socio-economic development of local and regional communities through the establishment of new and development of existing micro and small enterprises based on specific knowledge, skills or advanced technology, raising awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship as a key competence for micro and small enterprise development, promoting scientific research results in order to improve business operations, promotion of innovation as an important factor in enterprise development, transfer of knowledge and examples of good practice from the region and Europe aimed at developing the local economy, establishing new and developing existing micro and small companies offering products or services based on specific knowledge, technology development, innovation and application of new business solutions, encouraging the development of micro and small enterprises in the local and regional community through spatial, administrative and scientific research capacities, then through various types of consulting services, increase of number of educated people to acquire entrepreneurial skills and other key competencies needed for self-employment and private business development, encouraging more young people to start and develop their own business through the application of acquired knowledge and skills and new market ideas, forming a network of institutions, businessmen and individuals which will support all potential entrepreneurs, newly established and already established companies, better information of the local population in the field of entrepreneurship, economy, marketing, management and project planning.

Also, some of the goals of Tehnopolis are to establish active cooperation between the scientific research community and companies on a commercial and non-commercial basis, implementation of national and international development projects financed by the international community or the state, as well as reduced unemployment rates.

At the very end of the visit, the future entrepreneurs visited the offices of Tehnopolis and got acquainted with the work of certain machines, their applications and functioning.

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