NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro presented the Oykos Development Hub programming course on January 16, 2020 at the Business Center, Department Store in Niksic.
The training will last from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the type of course that interested candidates choose. It will be held 3 times a week in the evening for 2 hours or more and will include working from home on errands. Attendance is very important, the training is designed to be as concise as possible, as time-consuming as possible, yet comprehensive and sufficient to enter this business. After each hour, students will have homework that must also be completed on a regular basis for the effect of program. The professor’s help will be available in every way except during the final test.
This course will teach you all about the JavaScript technology which started revolution of software development. Using this programming language and its advanced tools, you can create phenomenal sites, SPA web applications, admin panels, server API endpoints and database communications. Using React and React Native, you will learn how to build mobile apps for Android and iOS with one codebase. In addition to JavaScript, candidates will learn HTML and CSS as well as their modern applications on the Web, NodeJS, MySQL and MongoDB databases. In addition to coding itself, there are tools that facilitate many processes in the business: Git, Webpack, Babel, ExpoCLI, Jira, Jenkins, etc. There are three types of courses to choose from: Blue, Red, and Black. The price of the Blue Exchange is EUR 240, the price of the Red is EUR 480, while the price of the Black Exchange is EUR 670. The target group that can apply is from 14 to 30 years old.
Participants in the workshop, where the course was presented, were high school students and students who wanted to learn more about programming.
Everyone who applies through our organization Mladiinfo Montenegro to the email: will receive a 10% discount on all courses offered by Oykos Development Hub.…/…