Thanks to NGO Mladiinfo Montenegro I had the opportunity to attend the Karl Poper debate in Sarajevo with young debates and my colleagues Monika Mitrić, Lana Lješković , Miloš Barjaktarević and Stefan Bošković.
This debate, which was organized within the O”Visor project was attended by a lot of young and ambitious people who were ready to debate about various topics that were extremely important for young people, some crisis situations in which they find themselves, the influence of social networks, natural disasters and many other topics that encouraged us as young people to think and need to be discussed.
In addition to our Montenegrin delegation which won second place, there were also a lot of young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Italy, Albania, Hungary, Greece, who I spent quality time with.
I must point out that for me this debate competition and seminar that Bravo from Bosnia and Herzegovina organized was really something special and extremely beautiful especially for us young ambitious and youth-active people.
So this seminar which lasted from June 10 to 14, 2022, was a wonderful opportunity on the basis of which I understood what it means to be part of a great team who always strives to progress and, in simple words, acquire new knowledge through such quality and exceptional debate.
Well what I must emphasize is that it was an extraordinary honor for me to have the opportunity to listen talk and simply put be with young people who are ready to progress improve the world they live in and discuss what is holding us back on the way to development.
That is why I will say that this debate was one of the best experiences in my life through which I realized that the work effort and persistence of young people pays and that our voice must be heard far and wide because it is extremely important.
In addition to long debates and work on them there was plenty of time for sightseeing in Sarajevo which I had the opportunity to visit for the first time during the Karl Poper debate. In addition to sightseeing in Sarajevo I had a great opportunity to meet and talk with other participants from other countries listening to their thoughts different ideas and different attitudes which was certainly extremely interesting for me.
In the end I would just like to say that you always use these opportunities because the time you spend at these seminars debates and gathering with young people from other countries has an inestimable value because in addition to the acquired knowledge you have the opportunity to visit other countries, meet new people and work on your personal development.